Watch Phil's Face

Little does Brian know he is in grave danger. Hahahaha. I'll show you the result tomorrow night. But you won't get it if you don't watch tonight's video. Kamila from i-D mag is still with us. Her question is the spark. #excavatingthereno

Kamila: Do you feel like there are any unfinished business?'

Brian: 'I don't see the sense in having a riot and smashing up your own community.'

Phil: It was against the police brutality. Moss Side police station was the most corrupt police station ever. 

I know it cuts off. Like I said you have to watch tomorrow's. xx

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Where I've Been

30 October, 2020

Another Virus Devastated My Family

12 April, 2020

Diagnosed With Borderline Personality Disorder

05 April, 2020

Everyone Was Sick Of Listening To Me

29 March, 2020

Mother's Day During The Lockdown

22 March, 2020



2019 (96)

2018 (78)

2017 (98)